so this was supposed to be the amazing "other shoe drop" followup from my previous "Publishing 2.0: It's Not What You Think" post a month ago, riffing on Dan Farber's post (stole his photo too ;) however i'm way overdue on getting this post done, and since then there's been a few notable things / posts that have happened:
- 1) i helped GigaOm launch a smokin' job board (nods to CrunchBoard, 37Signals, & SimplyHired for inspiration)
- 2) Seeking Alpha got funded by Benchmark, and closed a deal with Yahoo Finance
- 3) Adrian Holovaty and several other smart folks already posted on similar Publishing 2.0 topics & stole all my thunder.
damn. damn those smart-ass alpha geeks all to hell i say!
to be more specific: Adrian posted a more intelligent summary of structured content than i ever could, and suddenly i had a lot less to get up on a soapbox about. (for a few examples of my more famous soapbox posts, see my doozies on GoogleBase World Domination and ye old infamous Vertical Walled Gardens i wrote while at SimplyHired, replete with images from All Your Base, Highlander, and Guns Germs & Steel... damn, can i plagiarize and steal licensed imagery, or what?!?)
so, in lieu of some glorious rambling long post where i reveal the True Nature of the Universe (A: 42), i'll take the "mathematical approach" (cough) here and see if i can compress my thinking into a few short sentequations for the rest of you Mortals to consume... here goes.
What Publishing 2.0 is, and what it is not.
2.01.5 is about going online, lowering costs, aggregating audience, and a million little GigaOm, TechCrunch, and Seeking Alphas beating up on Publishing 1.0 dinosaur empires - Publishing 2.0 is NOT about the above, it's about Structured Content
- Structured Content = Structured Data
- Structured Data -> Vertical Applications
- Vertical Applications -> Vertical Community
- Vertical Community + Viral Marketing = Network Effects
- Network Effects = Lowest-Cost Bestest-in-Class “Whatever”
- Vertical Community -> Social Networks
- Social Networks = User-Generated Content + Tagging + Rating
- Structured Data + Vertical Apps + Social Networks = Prediction Markets
- [All of Above] = Vertical Prediction Markets for Best-in-Class “Whatever”
In summary: Publishing 2.0 is about using structured data to create vertical applications for domain-specific communities, and ultimately to create domain-specific content networks that discover / promote the best & most valuable "whatever" in the world… and with enough community & transaction data, can predict what's likely best & most valuable in the future.
thus to paraphrase Doc Searls and James Surowiecki: Conversations are Markets.
(more about this stuff later. have to go build a few startups first...)
Wow, Dave -- I'm reading this a little bit late, but this was a fantastic post. And the link to Adrian's post made it the perfect two-fer. I look forward to discussing this at much greater length with you, because although 7 months have elapsed, I don't think the window of opportunity has been cracked as of yet.
Posted by: daveschappell | Tuesday, April 24, 2007 at 08:09 PM